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3BG All is One Charity is dedicated to bringing unity and relationship to all – individuals as well as charitable organizations – through imagination, inspiration, and revelation. Our organization is part of the new way of being in the world in that we exist for the good of ALL. Our purpose will evolve and be revealed as goals are met but at this point in time you can be a difference maker in the following areas:
Monetary Donations are always needed! They are exceptionally helpful as they can be used to fill almost any need. We are a 501(c)(3) registered charity so all donations are tax deductible.
Entebbe, Uganda – I have an associate in Entebbe, Uganda that I am convinced God has brought into my life for a great purpose. His name is Brian and he grew up in an orphanage there. He has a desire in his heart to give to those who are in need. We continue to feed, house, and educate two families with a total of nine children.
One project we need to finance is building a two-room brick building on a parcel of land that we were able to acquire in a village near Masaka. We need the two rooms so Brian can live on the land and continue to farm as he develops the livestock side of things with the chickens and goats we have already purchased. The other room is the beginning of Brian’s dream of starting an orphanage to give back as he was so freely given to as a child!
The second project involves reopening a school that has been closed because of a lack of funding. The buildings need maintenance, teachers need to be hired, basics purchased, and fees paid to local governments to be able to open.
We feel that we have been led up to this point on these two projects and any help would be greatly appreciated to see these dreams come to pass!